
Keeping Your Grease Traps Maintained

Improper maintenance and care of grease traps can be a major problem for a business. While maintaining your grease traps is a critical part of running your business, there are some business leaders who may not understand what is needed to keep their grease traps maintained. Grease Traps Will Need More Than To Be Pumped Regularly Pumping the grease traps on a periodic basis is the most important maintenance to do for these systems.

Why Your School Should Recycle Its Old Computers

Your school might use a lot of computers. After all, you probably encourage your students to learn how to use computers, and you might have found that software and the World Wide Web make it easier for you to teach your students various subjects, too. Additionally, your staff members might all make use of computers for keeping track of grades, doing research, and more. Because of all of the computer use in your educational facility, there is a good chance that your facility will end up with computers that need to be disposed of from time to time.

How To Successfully Rent A Frac Tank For Work Operations

Frac tanks are instrumental pieces of equipment for the fracking industry. They're typically used for holding water and if you need one on a temporary basis, you can rent one out. Completing this rental transaction will be easy if you keep the following tips in mind. Make Sure Sizing Is Correct There are all sorts of sizes for frac tank rentals today. It's important to get the right size so that you have plenty of room for whatever is being stored, but not so much that you're paying for unused space.

Helpful Protocol When Selling Scrap Copper To Buyers

If you have a lot of scrap copper just sitting around collecting dust, you might consider selling it for a profit. You can make some good money, especially if you follow the right protocol from the beginning.  Research Value Before you start vetting offers from various copper buyers, you need to know what you're working with. This is the only way you'll be able to maximize your profit on copper sales.

What Should You Do With An Old Laptop?

Almost everyone relies on their computer in the modern age, and for many people, their primary computer is a laptop. A good laptop will last you several years, but in time your laptop will slow down, and you may be better served by a newer model. When you're ready for a new computer, you need to decide what to do with your old one. Fortunately, there are a few options. Here are three ways you can get rid of your old laptop:

DIY Remodeling: Guide to Recycling Your Construction Waste

Doing a minor home remodeling project yourself can be both satisfying and a major money saver, but what about the environment? Many construction companies now have policies in effect to recycle as much construction waste as possible, but as a DIYer, you may not be aware of the what can be recycled nor have access to typical contractor recycling resources. Fortunately, there are many ways you can still keep your project green.

Disposing Of Old Electronics: What You Need To Know

Properly disposing of old electronics isn't something many people bother putting much thought into. Over time, many of you have probably accumulated electronic waste in your home because it seems like too much of a hassle to get rid of properly—that old printer is collecting dust, an old camera or cellphone is lying around, and hasn't been used in over 10 years. You probably don't see the big deal in simply tossing it into the trash.

Refining Gold: Turn Your Gold Jewelry Into A Worthy Bullion

You might have gotten lucky by inheriting some jewelry from a family member, but perhaps the gold pieces you obtained are not exactly your type. You do not have to let those pieces go to waste as long as you consider a professional gold refiner who should be able to turn those pieces into something of use, like a gold bullion. But you should still know a few things about gold refining, which this guide will help you understand.

Five Tips That Can Save You Money On Your Garbage PickUp

When trying to save money, a simple strategy is to look at all the services you use and see where cuts can be made. When making these changes, don't forget to look at your garbage service. Cutting costs on trash pickup doesn't just save you money, either. A major side benefit of frugality is that it often tends to be environmentally friendly, too. The following tips can help you cut costs and help the Earth.

Looking For Extra Income? 4 Metals You Could Be Recycling

If money's tight right now, you're probably looking for ways to bring in some extra income. Finding another job isn't always feasible, especially if you're already working a second – and maybe even a third – job. Take a look around your yard. If you have scrap metal laying around, you're on your way to some spare cash. There are a lot of metals that you can recycle, some that you might not have even thought of.